Dress up your devices with Genny: Everything you need to sync the layout of your devices. These beautiful digital wallpapers are specially designed for Apple, but are also compatible with Windows and android. The ZIP file contains 3 digital wallpapers to dress up your devices and make them aesthetically pleasing. Salvatore Esposito’s official wallpapers are the instant gift you can give to yourself or your friends.
Buy them and you will receive them immediately on your device. Compatible with Apple iPad, iMac, Macbook, android tablet and windows desktop pc devices. Type / s of digital file: ZIP (compressed file containing the images. The dimensions of the PNG format images are 2880 x 1800 (desktop Retina) – 1920 x 1080 (general desktop) – 2780 x 2780 (iPad / tablet). No physical product will be sent to you this is a digital file.